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There's A Civilization On My Fork began when a then twelve-year-old boy named Jason Torchia was sitting at home on his couch as he often did, and happened to find a fork that had been dropped between the cushions by another family member (most likely his brother). For whatever reason, the words "There's a civilization on my fork." popped into his head, and he decided that it would make an interesting title for a story or comic. Having recently been exposed to the world of webcomics by such titles as Life On Forbez and RPG World , Jason only needed a small spark of motivation to begin creating a comic of his own. That motivation came several weeks later in the form of a seventh-grade creative writing project.

His creative writing teacher (who also happened to be his homeroom, film studies, language arts, and future ninth-grade language arts teacher) assigned a project in which the students were to tell a story in the form of a novel, collection of short stories, collection of poems, or, to Jason's excitement, a comic. Recalling the title and concept that had been rolling around in his head for weeks, he set out to create the first crudely-drawn images of Ian, King Pok, Trip, and Flab. Being young, Jason's artistic abilities were rather limited, though everyone told him otherwise. Despite this, however, he went on to create 35-40 strips, 1/2 to 1 full page in length by the time the creative writing assignment was due to be handed in.

Even while the teacher was marking the comics (which Jason recieved 100% on), he was drawing more and more, adding to the series and growing attached to the characters and the world he had created. He had planned to, at some point, make a webpage with this original version of the comic. However, after drawing over 120 strips (including a five-page-long 100th strip, officially named "The Super Spectacular 5-Page 100th Issue Special") he noticed that his later strips were far better than his original ones, and decided that it would be worth it to recreate the entire series from scratch.

He began the labourous task only several weeks after deciding to recreate them. Putting the old strips in a safe place, and basing the new ones on the old ones he started to redraw from the very first strip (which, after being redrawn 2 or 3 times since the very first version has remained near exactly the same). In the original comics, the characters started off rather flat and boring. Their personalities were almost indistinguishable from one another until later in the series when they slowly developed their own seperate personalities. This time around, the characters could begin with these seperate personalities, making the story more interesting. By the time the first version ended, the characters were well enough developed that they could simply be dropped into plots in the new version and the story would write itself.

This new version of TaComF, however, only lasted up to 17.5 comics (Jason stopped drawing in the middle of number 18). Real life, boredom, and other factors caused Jason to stop drawing the comic for over a year. Eventually he regained interest in the comic and began to draw some random drawings and concept art for a new version. He noticed, though, that his art had greatly improved since even the previous version. On top of that, this version was better planned out, with storyboards written beforehand. Even though version 3 was based on version 1 (with a mixture of what little there was of version 2), writing scripts and storyboards before actually drawing the comics allowed planning that made for a generally improved story. This version would definitely be the version that would be put up on the internet. Jason signed up for his Comicgenesis account, and began creating his site, already knowing how it worked, as he had signed up previously when it was Keenspace in order to get the version 1 comics up, before he scrapped the idea and started redrawing them.

By this time, over five years had passed since the original inception of TaComF and it's characters. After spending so long sharing his brain with these characters and stories, the characters have almost become like friends to Jason. It's impossible to predict where this version of the comic will end up, but the characters will definitely live on in the mind of their creator forever.

There's a Civilization on my Fork characters and all related content Copyright © 2001-2008 Jason Torchia
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